Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound. – James Allen
It’s key to develop leadership skills to impact the culture.
A Culture is a Reflection of the Leader
The leader shapes the culture with their influence and skill.
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Here’s the Transcript
Leaders Model What Others Should Do
As a musical conductor, I know that the ensemble is a reflection of the conductor. This is equal to culture in a business.The better we are in inspiring excellence, the better the performance is! Conductors are skilled at creating excellence. If the musicians respect the conductor, then they play as the conductor intends and not as they direct. Some of our motions might not be exactly what we intend, so the players respond to the intent. This only happens when there’s respect for the conductor (the leader).
In non-musical situations, it’s pretty much the same. Leaders are basically influencers. The Transformational Leader leads by influence and not by power of position. That’s a difficult transformation for many leaders. We have been taught things that don’t work. Mostly we’ve been taught to be the BOSS. This is not good in today’s culture.
Effective leaders create relationship with those whom they lead so that the team members respond to the leader like a highly skilled orchestra musically responds to every nuance of the conductor. The leader must develop the skills to lead. There is no option.
Leaders are Developed
Yes, that’s true. Leadership skill is not something that we are born with. We must develop our skills. We must adapt to the current culture and the current situation. Leading a charity is different than leading an investment business.
There are many styles of leadership that fill the entire spectrum, from autocratic leadership (the BOSS, it’s about me) to servant leadership (about the vision).
I have worked with leaders of all types in a mentor role for over 30 years and have found that leaders have some of the same challenges, no matter what type of organizations they lead. I found lots of helpful stuff, but none of it met my expectations for a fully implementable strategy; therefore, I developed my own programs and systems that totally integrate strategy and implementation. Others provide pieces of the puzzle and I provide the fully integrated system.
I’d love to share this with you if you are interested. Go HERE is get my free report and training videos that will impact your success, starting right away. In the series of messages, you will have an opportunity for a 25-minute power session with me that will give you lots of value.
It’s Not Your Team…It’s YOU
If you are…
- Facing leader burnout…
- Struggling with an under-performing team…or
- Not generating the revenue to achieve your mission…
It’s time to change the results.
Let’s chat.
Hugh Ballou
The Transformational Leadership Strategist
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