Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. – Abraham Lincoln
Look in the mirror. Would you be inspired by you? It has been said that we are the result of the 5 people we hang around the most. Who do you want to have influencing you? How do you want to influence others?
While I have encouraged you to get the best players for your orchestra (or team), I want you to achieve excellent results. Good players can make good music. In fact, excellent players can make excellent music. Don’t limit the effectiveness of your team by your attitude. Be affirming. Be encouraging. Be authentic. Be focused.
The worst thing you can do is to pretend that you do not have weaknesses yourself, or to act like you never make any mistakes. Acknowledge your areas that need improvement, and your intentions to create a pathway to achieve those improvements. Inversely, know that your team members will make mistakes and will need encouragement. Your attitude in keeping from getting discouraged, yourself, will inspire your team. You’ll all learn from their mistakes and move forward with more wisdom.
Surround yourself with capable people. They will inspire you. Let go of your pride and realize that it is all right to be inspired by those whom you lead, as well as those you follow.
TIP: Nobody wants to ignore problems. Learn from them, and do not let problems govern your life or limit your potential for success. Those who follow you will model what you do and how you act, more than what you say.
Hugh Ballou
The Transformational Leadership Strategist TM
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