Gaydon Leavitt shares his secrets for effective marketing to let the world know why thy need you. Be ready to take notes!
With this podcast, I had my eyes opened to how I have been creating press releases all wrong! Get ready to take notes! There’s a lot to learn.
Of all the dysfunctional systems in organizations, the top one on my list is the annual review and next is the JOB DESCRIPTION!
One of the most dysfunctional activities in organizations is the annual review. So, why wait for a full year to give feedback?
Managing people fits an autocratic leadership style and not a transformational leadership style. It can be a form of over functioning.
The number one killer of team energy is the boring, unproductive meeting. It’s time to say, “No more boring meetings!”
Jeff Magee, Speaker, Author, Leadership Trainer, shares insights on topics giving the advantage of his years of experience and decades of wisdom.
Cal Turner, Jr., inherited the position of President and Chairman of Dollar General from his father, who founded the company. Cal’s story is Awesome!