If You Don’t Make a Difference, Then Who Will? I first met Will Willimon when he arrived at the North Alabama Conference of…
Learn from Observing High-Performance Teams I had cataract surgery recently, first the left eye and, a week later, the right eye. I was anxious…
Transformational Leaders Model What They Preach This trait is listed last, however, setting the example is key to the success of the other…
Transformational Leadership Transformational leadership was birthed from educational systems and the military. The writings of BM Bass and JM Burns are cited in…
2 of 5 in the series Control of Self is a Primary Leadership Competency “A man cannot directly choose his circumstances, but…
5 of 5 in the series Build a Strong Foundation Matt 7:24-29 Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I…
4 of 5 in the series Being Prepared Mt. 25:1-13 – the parable of the wise and foolish virgins is a parable of…
2 of 5 in the series The Parable of The Sower: Matthew 13:1-24 The story of sowing seeds,…
Hidden Goals Don’t Work 5th of 5 Set your goal. Share your goal. Accountability is energy. We think that…