Delegation is Key to Leader Freedom We are bound by our own lack of ability to delegate. Leaders must free themselves from the…
Observation and not control is leadership competency. Leadership is about manifestation of high quality results. Observing what’s happening is a leadership.
Amazing interview with George Fraser, founder of FraserNet, the largest African-American Network anywhere.
5 Perilous Practices That Take Good Leaders Down It’s hard enough to lead without setting up failure. Here are 5 practices that will…
We are limited by what we have been taught and by what we have inherited. It’s time to release those limits on our effectiveness.
Managing people fits an autocratic leadership style and not a transformational leadership style. It can be a form of over functioning.
Jeff Magee, Speaker, Author, Leadership Trainer, shares insights on topics giving the advantage of his years of experience and decades of wisdom.
The effective Transformational Leader creates a culture of high performing leaders, just as the musical conductor creates a high performing ensemble.
The effective Transformational Leader creates a culture of high performing leaders, just as the musical conductor creates a high performing ensemble.
The team is a reflection of the leader, therefore in order to have a high functioning team, it’s imperative that the leader models excellence.