Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound. – James Allen It’s key to develop…
Delegation is Key to Leader Freedom We are bound by our own lack of ability to delegate. Leaders must free themselves from the…
We sometimes make a plan (entrepreneurs keep a lot of ideas in their minds and don’t always make a written plan creating a problem.
Observation and not control is leadership competency. Leadership is about manifestation of high quality results. Observing what’s happening is a leadership.
Build good habits and skills for personal communication. Inspire others by your caring actions. This is a process that will take time, but it is worth it
Effective leaders are focused on continuing improvement by constantly working on their personal skills development.
One of the most dysfunctional activities in organizations is the annual review. So, why wait for a full year to give feedback?
The number one killer of team energy is the boring, unproductive meeting. It’s time to say, “No more boring meetings!”
Ed Krow is the Talent Transformation Expert for businesses looking to achieve 8 figure growth.
The effective Transformational Leader creates a culture of high performing leaders, just as the musical conductor creates a high performing ensemble.